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Cookie Policy

General Information uses cookies to enhance user experience and optimize services. Cookies are small text files stored by the browser on your device, containing various information about your visit.

Types of Cookies

  1. Session Cookies: Temporary cookies that are deleted when the browser is closed. Necessary for the website’s proper functioning.
  2. Persistent Cookies: Stored for a longer period, helping preserve settings and preferences.
  3. Third-Party Cookies: Placed by other service providers for analytical or advertising purposes.


Managing Cookies

Users can modify cookie settings through their browser, including deleting or blocking cookies. Disabling cookies may result in some functions not working properly.

Data Management Policies

The data collected by cookies is used exclusively to improve services and enhance user experience. Data is not shared with third parties unless required by law.

Acceptance of Cookies

By using the website, users accept the use of cookies unless they change their browser settings. Accepting cookies means agreeing to the data management