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Everyone Struggles in Their Own Way

I’ve been reflecting on what well-being and prosperity truly mean in the life of an entrepreneur. What does it take—and how much of it, and in what form—for us to feel good within our own business? And how is well-being connected to prosperity? How do we get there, and do we even know where “there” actually is?

Back in 2013-14, when I was really not in a good place with my business because I couldn’t find solutions to my problems, I tried to talk to business leaders who, in my perception, were far ahead of me. During one such conversation over coffee in the person’s office in Buda, I asked them some pressing questions I just couldn’t solve. The guy simply smiled and said:

“Welcome to the club!”

Since then, I’ve overcome a lot, and nearly 10 years have passed. My business has entered international markets, we’ve become visible, and we’ve achieved success in our niche. I got what I wanted; my to-do list was checked off, and a dream of mine came true. And now, life has brought me to a point where other entrepreneurs come to me with their problems and questions.

As I’ve been having these conversations with business owners and leaders, a question has been stirring inside me: What is causing their sense of unease or dissatisfaction? What caused mine? What changed in me back in 2013-14 that helped me achieve my goals? What’s the common thread between their stories and mine?

These businesses come in all shapes and sizes, and their leaders are just as diverse—young, old, beginners, seasoned veterans, men, women, running small operations or massive enterprises. Yet, there is something they all have in common:

They’re not doing well.

They’re stuck, they’re tense, they’re grappling with problems they don’t know how to solve. They’ve reached a point where they’re willing and able to talk about it. They’re searching for answers.

But what does it mean to “not be doing well”? Is it about not finding the right employee? Not having enough revenue? Not being able to finance the company?

Sure, those are challenges, but there will always be challenges like these. Some people aren’t cut out for the uncertainty of entrepreneurship, and that’s okay—not everyone is meant for it. But if you’ve chosen this path freely, not out of necessity, then there’s a spark inside you—a desire to create something according to your own vision.

But do you know why you’re running your business?

This is where I usually start these conversations. What do you truly want? You, as a person. What excites you, what makes you tingle when you close your eyes and imagine it? And if you know what you want—what makes it worth getting out of bed in the morning—can you articulate how your business helps you achieve that?

“It makes money.”

Is that it? Is your business really just about generating revenue? If so, that’s perfectly fine. If all your business gives you is money, and that money lets you spend your free time on hobbies or loved ones, then great. But if that’s all it gives, the struggles can easily drain you. Just like an employee can grow to hate their job if they’re only showing up for the paycheck. When that happens, we tend to do the bare minimum—just enough to get the money.

It’s a slow death.

For both you and the business. This setup only works when the challenges are minimal. And it doesn’t matter how much money the business generates—whether it’s a lot or a little. Even significant revenue can feel unbearable if it comes with constant headaches.

So, what does your business give you? What’s your inner desire that somehow finds fulfillment in your work? It’s a tough question, but it’s worth answering. This is the key driver, the thing to revisit regularly: Am I getting this?

If you know what you want, if you understand how your business supports that, the next question is:

What is your goal for your business?

Where do you want to go? If you don’t know, how will you know if you’re heading in the right direction? Or if you’ve already arrived? You might even blow right past your goal without realizing it because you never defined it.

Can you keep going for years without knowing when you’ll get there? I don’t think so. That’s a recipe for burnout and frustration.

One friend of mine once shared a story about his time in the military. During a training exercise, they had to march at night with full gear across rough terrain, not knowing their destination or how long it would take. It was far more exhausting than when they were told it would be a 30 km march.

It’s the same in business. It’s much easier to push through intense periods if you know how long they’ll last. If you don’t, it can feel like an endless grind. And then there’s the money question:

How much money do you want to make?

Your business exists to generate revenue—that’s the point. If it didn’t, you’d be running a nonprofit, an association, or volunteering. But how much is enough? A lot? Just enough? And where are you right now in relation to that goal?

If you don’t know how much you want, how will you measure success? Based on how you feel? That can be deceiving. If things are going well, you might feel like it’s enough, regardless of the actual numbers. If the economy takes a downturn, or you hear a lot of fear-mongering, you might feel like it’s not enough, no matter how much you have.

So it’s worth defining what you want and how much of it. Because this clarity will guide your path. It’s okay if you don’t have all the answers yet—just know that this is worth thinking about.

Ultimately, the first steps are:

  • Understand what you, as a person, truly want.
  • Reflect on how your business helps fulfill that desire.
  • Define your qualitative and quantitative goals.
  • Set a timeline for achieving them.
  • Take stock of where you are now.
  • Envision the steps to get from where you are to where you want to be.

This is how a dream becomes a tangible goal with a roadmap. A plan isn’t about rigidly sticking to it—it’s about knowing when you’re off track.

But more on that later…

This article originally appeared on the blog.

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